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Principles, lifehacks, etc to search a new Team player 



  1. We hire experience.

  2. We test person with real small project before hiring.

  3. Not those who are good today, but those who will be good tomorrow.

  4. We hire only A-level talents (level 2 & 3), as best talent attracts other best talent (hire rock-star in quality not in rock-star in hiring).

  5. If anyone from the team doesn't like a candidate — we are not hiring. 



Definition — who works not full time and is not part of the team.


  1. No subcontracts, no headhunters, no juniors;
  2. Role with small scope, not all-rounders;
  3. Focus on KPI, pay only for KPI.

Meeting the candidate


Meaning of the meeting:

  1. Do I want to work with this person?

  2. What can I teach this person?

  3. What I won't be able to teach this person ever (are there any resources for it)?

  4. We want to know more about the candidate but it shouldn't felt an investigation.

  5. Check:

       a. expertice

       b. soul: honesty, ...

       c. brain: logic, problem solving (investigation)

       d. body: if he loves hardwork




  1. Small introduction and relaxing (2min.)
  2. Getting to know the candidate better, letting him tell us the most important things about himself (2min.)
  3. Questions from both parts (5-30min.)



What we might ask

What we actualy want to know


What is your greatest achievement? 

Does the person tends to work individually or is he a team player? Does he speak about achievements with the leader's state of mind?


If two different companies give you an offer how you will decide which one to take?

What is your ideal work? 

What stimulates you to work more efficiently?

Why in some companies employees have side jobs as well? 

What makes a new place better?

Why do people work while there is no manager in the office?


What is the biggest motivation for this person. What is more important for the person: to create somethin cool or to be around cool team?


How did you choose this field, what is your experience?

Who did you want to become while you were in high school? 

Does the person control his own life as a goal seeker or moves with circumstances?


Why did you choose your previous workplace?

What the person is focused on: process or result


How could you describe your first day at work? 

Is the person the one who waits for someone to give him what to do manage to take responsibility and organize work for himself?


Why do you want to work with us? 

How did you choose our company?

What do you know about it? 

Is the person desperate to find any job and we will never know when he is going to leave or is he motivated to work with us.


When do you consider the task done? 

Is it more important for person to be evaluated or to evaluete for himself? 


What is your favorite day? 
What are you doing in your spare time? 

Monday - I want to work! Friday - I am only here to wait for the weekend...

The real champions invest part of their time for growing themselves. 


Logical questions

What is your brain type.